Monday, May 25, 2009

Stem cells could hold the key to the repair of damaged hearts

Stem cells are a type of cells found in the human embryo. They have the capacity to convert themselves into any type of cell in the human body.

A lot of research has done in the field of setem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy is basically using the stem cells to cure diseases in adults.

Researches from California found out that injecting stem cells to diseased hearts could help to restore the heart function. This discovery could help increase the survival rate of people with heart disease. But this technology is still in the nascent stages and must undergo a lot of development before it can be adopted in a large scale


Chocolate Milk for Post Exercise Nutrition

You may be pleasantly surprised at which beverage is now being used as an exercise drink choice.

For post exercise nutrition, the favorite childhood drink - chocolate milk is now being recommended and used by a bunch of fitness experts, athletes and in general all people hitting the gym and looking to improve their bodies.

This is too good to be true, right? Not at all, you can actually enjoy some chocolate milk and see serious benefits from it as part of your overall workout and nutritional program. Here are the top reasons why chocolate milk is a great post exercise beverage.

1. Chocolate milk is high in protein - Chocolate milk contains a heaping portion of protein, which is essential to build, repair and maintain your muscles. If you don’t eat enough protein after a workout, many of the gains you worked hard to get in the gym will be lost. Your body won’t have the essential ingredient it needs to help make you stronger and keep you that way, and much of your hard work will have been for nothing (not good!).

2. Chocolate milk contains some fat - While nobody wants you to include too much fat in your diet, a limited quantity of healthy fats are essential to promote overall body health. Plus, fat will help make you feel fuller easier and longer, meaning you’ll intake less total calories. Using 1% or 2% milk for your chocolate milk is typically recommended as ideal.

3. Carbohydrate to protein ratio - Your body burns and utilizes energy in many different ways. Carbohydrates are generally ignited for short-term energy needs, but eating or drinking too many carbs will leave you drained later on. Protein, like fat, also helps you feel fuller longer and is burned off a more moderate pace. The carbohydrates, protein and fat will help to fuel your body’s immediate needs as well as its long term needs. You’ll maintain your energy level and you’ll be able to rebound from intense workouts sooner. Your stamina will improve as well.

4. Chocolate milk tastes great - While “tasting great” might not seem like a nutritional goal, it’s actually very important. You need to be able to stick with your nutritional guidelines and you need to enjoy doing it, otherwise you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Chocolate milk tastes great and is easy to drink. You no longer have to punish yourself after a workout with a healthy but bad tasting beverage. You can actually reward yourself with a hard earned treat that provides many healthful nutrients.

5. Chocolate milk is easy and cheap - It can be a hassle to blend your own workout shakes. It can also become costly to continually buy sports drinks or to buy other ingredients such as protein powder or meal replacement drinks. Instead, all you need is some milk, some chocolate syrup and a spoon and you’ll be good to go. You’ll save time, money and frustration.

There are many different benefits to drinking chocolate milk as part of your nutritional program. For a post exercise beverage, it will replenish your energy and leave you feeling more energetic. You’ll recover quicker from your workouts and your muscles will get the protein they need to be maintained. Finally, the favorite drink from most of our youths can be enjoyed as an adult for beneficial purposes.


How To Deal With Sensitive And Sensitised Skin

Up to 90% of the population perceives their skin as sensitive. But do you really have sensitive skin?

This inquiry is not posed to make you question your skin’s redness, irritation and discomfort. It is actually posed to point out there is sensitive skin, and then there is sensitized skin. Sensitized skin is the growing phenomenon of skin experiencing sensitivity because of environmental assaults, cosmetics, poor diet and the natural aging process.

Sensitive skin versus sensitized skin

A true sensitive skin type is caused by a genetic predisposition. This genetic predisposition is found in those who have very fair skin and are usually of Northern European ancestry.

Someone with a truly sensitive skin is highly prone to blushing and may experience bad hay fever, allergies or asthma.

Sensitised skin can affect any person of any racial background or skin colour. Symptoms for sensitive and sensitized skin do have a lot in common (itching, burning, redness, flushing and stinging), but in many cases, sensitized skin can’t be seen by the naked eye, as it resides much deeper. And, our microclimate, or the climate we are exposed to in our home, cars, offices and during air travel, changes daily, meaning our level of sensitization can vary.

What causes sensitized skin?

Environmental Assaults

The fastest rising factor contributing to sensitized skin is environmental assault, as the epidermis (top layer of skin) is constantly exposed to assault from the sun, extreme weather and pollution.

1. The Sun

Exposure to the sun causes water to evaporate from the skin, making it more prone to sensitivity. Summer activities, such as swimming, can also cause skin irritation, as chlorine in pools and salt in ocean water are abrasive and drying.

2. Pollution

On average, our skin is exposed to an estimated 6 million chemicals, and roughly 2,800 of these have sensitizing properties. Extensive exposure to Nitrogen oxides (from road traffic, industrial heating units, etc.) and volatile organic compounds (from hydrocarbons and waste) contributes to the steady rise in sensitized skin cases.

3. Cold Weather and Low Humidity

Cold winds and low temperatures can dry out skin, depriving it of balanced levels of oil that keeps skin lubricated. Without these oils, skin becomes dry, and is more prone to sensitivity because of the lack of protective oils. This goes for forced air heating as well. Warm, dry air acts like a sponge, soaking up moisture from everything it touches.


Scientists agree that there is a sharp decline in the Stratum Corneum lipids as we age (lipids are fats that are essential for the structure and function of living cells). Meaning by the time we reach age 40, our skin will almost certainly be dry and/or dehydrated. Without these protective lipids, skin is left exposed and defenceless against external aggressors, and the chances for reaction to the environment increase.


Certain ingredients in cosmetic can cause irritation and exacerbate skin sensitivity. More importantly, these ingredients can be found in skin care ingredients that claim to help treat sensitised skin! Some ingredients that can sensitize skin include fragrances, D and C colours, preservatives, and lanolin.


The lack of “good” fats in our diets is a contributing factor in skin sensitivity and could explain the increase in the percentage of the population that suffers from psoriasis, eczema and dandruff. Smoking can also have a drying effect on skin, as smoking inhibits the body’s ability to provide oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Smoking drains skin of vitamins A and C and restricts blood vessels - meaning smoking is somewhat like suffocating the skin from the inside. And, an excessive intake of alcoholic beverages and certain medications (such as nasal decongestants) can also contribute to dry skin.


The loss of existing oil is commonly caused by excessive bathing or showering, scrubbing, or the use of harsh soaps that dissolve the protective layer of oil. In addition, shaving without a protective medium or using dull razors can also weaken the skin’s barrier function, leaving it exposed to environmental assaults.

How do I treat my sensitized skin?

When skin is healthy, a sensitized skin condition is minimized. Professional skin treatments coupled with the right lifestyle choices are great ways to begin treating sensitized skin. An effective sensitized treatment will include gentle cleansing, soothing and

anti-inflammatory based products, hydration and pressure point massage techniques to help increase the skin’s natural protective barrier while repairing previous environmentally-induced damage. The “less is more” rule should be followed during any professional sensitized skin treatment and at-home regime. Exoliation can be performed on sensitized skin, but should be done only under the recommendation of a professional. A traditional product used is Dermalogica’s ‘Daily Microfoliant’, as it does not compromise the barrier level off the skin, is non-invasive and less aggressive than other forms of exfoliation. Essential oils of Lavender, Sandalwood and Eucalyptus are ideal for hydrating and healing sensitized skin.

The success of treating your sensitized skin will be heavily influenced by your homecare routine, and the wearing of sunscreen anytime skin is exposed to daylight. Dermalogica’s ‘Super Sensitive Faceblock spf30’ utilizes physical UV-blockers instead of chemical UV-blockers which can sometimes increase irritation. Proper skin care techniques will also help ease skin sensitization. Do not use hot water when cleansing, don’t use excessive or abrasive movements, and stay away from artificial fragrances or colours. In addition, take note of what triggers the ‘red’ reaction in your skin. Certain foods such as artificial sweetners or spices can bring about the flush look. Also be aware of your hormones, stress levels, physical excertion, adrenal shifts and alcohol and nicotine intake.

With the correct products and advice you are able to successfully treat both sensitive skin types and sensitized skin conditions.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Support of Follicular Unit Transplantation as a Preferred Hair Loss Solution

HISTORICAL ASPECTS A donor is better if it is as small as possible. The reason is that if a donor is big, hairs grow in . . . a very unnatural appearance.
Hajime Tamura - 19431


The underlying premise of follicular unit transplantation is that the intact, individual follicular unit is sacred. Theoretically, they should neither be broken up into smaller units, nor combined into larger ones.2,3,4

This simple idea may not seem like a radical approach to hair transplantation, but when viewed in the context of how the surgery has been performed over the past forty years (when the very existence of the follicular unit went generally unrecognized), it is radical indeed. At present, the majority of hair transplant surgeons will, at times, combine several follicular units or split them up, as they are not convinced that this has a significant impact on either the anesthetic outcome or upon growth. Practitioners of follicular unit transplantation, however, are certain that only this procedure achieves the best cosmetic results and their hair "bristles" when they witness surgical techniques that divide follicular units or transect follicles, techniques they feel preclude optimal growth and waste precious donor hair. In spite of the heated debate, good scientific studies have not yet been performed to resolve these issues.

The follicular unit was first defined by Headington in his landmark 1984 paper "Transverse Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Scalp.5 The follicular unit includes:

- 1 to 4 terminal follicles
- 1, or rarely 2, vellus follicles
- associated sebaceous lobules
- insertions of the arrector pili muscles
- perifollicular vascular plexus
- perifollicular neural net
- perifolliculum - cirumferential band of fine adventitial collagen that defines the unit


That scalp hair grows in follicular units, rather than individually, is most easily observed by densitometry, a simple technique whereby scalp hair is clipped to approximately 1mm in length and then counted observed via magnification. What is strikingly obvious when one examines the scalp by this method is that follicular units are relatively compact, and are surrounded by substantial amounts of non-hair bearing skin. The actual proportion of non-hair bearing skin is probably on the order of 50%, so that its inclusion in the dissection will have a substantial effect upon the outcome of the surgery. The great benefit of using individual follicular units is that the wound size can be kept to a minimum, while at the same time maximizing the amount of hair that can be transplanted.


The importance of minimizing the wound size in any surgical procedure can not be over emphasized and hair transplantation is no exception. The effects of recipient wounding are felt at many levels. Large wounds can lacerate blood vessels and although the blood supply of the scalp is extensively collateralized, any damage to these vessels will have an impact on local tissue perfusion. An equally important issue is to minimize the disruption of the microcirculation. This is especially important when transplanting grafts in large quantities. The compact follicular unit is, of course, the ideal way to permit the use of the smallest possible recipient site, and has made the transplantation of large numbers of grafts technically feasible.

Densities between 10 to 40 follicular units per centimeter are routinely reported. Densities greater than 40 follicular units per centimeter in a single session have been accomplished, but may result in a decrease yield in some patients. It is important to note that a follicular unit density of 40 units/mm2 can create a hair density of over 120 hairs/mm2 (if all 3- and 4-hair units are used in select areas), and this is a density that many hair transplant surgeons feel is not necessary, or even desirable, to exceed.


Putting aside anatomic, physiologic and technical issues for the moment, it is important to emphasize the practical reasons to strive toward large sessions. The specific events that bring a balding patient to the doctor for hair loss will vary, but the common denominator of those seeking hair restoration is to improve their appearance, and to improve the quality of their life, be it personal, professional, or social.

Until the transplant is cosmetically acceptable, the disruptions from the scheduling of multiple surgeries, the limitations in activity, and the concern about their discovery, can place a patient's life "on hold." It should therefore be incumbent upon the physician to accomplish their objectives as quickly as possible. Some patients prefer smaller sessions for economic reasons.


There is probably no other aspect of follicular unit transplantation that has generated more controversy than the use of the microscope. Stereo-microscopic dissection was introduced into the field of hair transplantation by Dr. Bobby Limmer6 in 1987. The following statements summarize the use of magnification:

- In order to dissect intact individual follicular units, you must be able to see them clearly.
- Only magnification allows their clear visualization in both normal and scarred skin, independent of the specific hair characteristics of color, hair shaft diameter, and curl.

Follicular dissection can logically be divided into two parts; the subdivision of the initial donor strip into smaller pieces and the further dissection of these pieces into individual follicular units. The first part of the procedure, the handling of the intact strip, has always been the most problematic. The intact strip however, is difficult to stabilize and is too opaque for transillumination to be useful.

The dissecting microscope and other magnification methods allow the strip to be divided into sections (or "slivers") by actually going around follicular units leaving them intact. The dissecting stereo-microscope is able to accomplish this because of its high resolution (usually 5x more powerful than magnifying loops) and its intense halogen top-lighting that provides continuous illumination, as one dissects through the strip. Back light illumination has also proven beneficial. Stability can easily be achieved by applying slight traction to the free end of the strip. The thin slivers are then laid on their sides and the microscopic dissection of the individual units is completed. With stereo-microscopic dissection, except for the outer edges of the ellipse, every aspect of the procedure is performed under direct visualization, so that follicular transection can be minimized and the follicular units maintained.


The entire field of hair restoration surgery has moved toward the use of follicular unit transplantation. While the exclusive use of follicular units is not employed by the majority of transplant surgeons, the impact of this approach has been significant. Hair restoration surgeons are becoming more scientific and precise in their approach to this field. The vague terminology of the past, i.e., round grafts, many grafts, micro grafts, has been replaced with more precise terms. We now converse in a language which details the number of follicular units per square centimeter, hair shaft diameter in microns, and incisional density of the recipient site for any given session. Perhaps the modern era of transplantation did not begin with the micrografting of the '80's, but it is only truly being realized with follicular Unit transplantation of the '90's.


What You Need To Know About Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Did you know that it is quite normal to have an anterior pelvic tilt? The problem occurs when the tilt exceeds the normal range that is approximately 0 to 5 degrees in men and 7 to 10

degrees in women. Excessive anterior pelvic tilting can lead to postural dysfunction.

Effects Of Pelvic Tilt

Anterior pelvic tilt is a condition in which the pelvis tilts excessively in the anterior direction causing the thigh bones to rotate inwards. This leads to an increase in stress on the medial portion of the knee joints. This can be a cause of concern for athletes, affecting their performance in the long run. The inward rotation of the thigh bone also leads to an increased weight on the inside of the foot. Abnormal anterior pelvic tilting may also lead to a condition known as fallen arches. In addition, this excess tilting can also lead to distortion in upper body posture by increasing the arch in the lower back considerably. This excessive extension in the lower back may affect the neck too. It may lead to a condition known as forward head posture that can create a lot of stress at the base of the neck. This in turn can lead to muscle imbalance throughout the body caused by a strain on the central nervous system. It is important to correct excessive anterior pelvic tilt as it affects the functioning of the upper and lower back and results in joint and muscular dysfunction.

Causes Of Anterior Pelvic Tilting

A very common cause of anterior pelvic tilt is the imbalance in the pelvic and hip muscles. Imbalance is observed between the muscles that flex the hip including the quadriceps and psoas, and their opposing muscles including the gluteals, hamstrings and lower abdominal muscles. Improper exercise programs and excessive seating posture can lead to shortening and tightening of the psoas. This affects the pelvis resulting in a shortened position for the quadriceps causing them to become short and tight. Due to this the glutes and hamstrings also become lengthened and weak. The forward rotation of the pelvis causes the lower back to become arched. The shortening of the lower back muscles strains the abdominal muscles eventually weakening them.

Another cause of this pelvic dysfunction is the stress exerted by the internal organs. As the internal organs experience distress, they affect the reflex muscles. As an example, when the adrenal glands are under stress, they may cause reflex pain to the lumbar spinal muscles.

How To Perform The Pelvic Tilt?

The pelvic tilt exercise can help in maintaining a neutral spinal position in which the back is more stable and less prone to injury. For performing this exercise, you need to lie flat on your back, with your knees bent and legs apart and flat on the floor. Then tighten the abdominal muscles and squeeze the buttocks to press the small of the lower back into the floor. Tilt the hips down and slightly lift the buttocks off the floor. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and repeat it a few times. For optimum results in excessive anterior pelvic tilt, the low back should be pressed into the floor throughout the exercise.


How To Do A Complete Body Detox in 7 Easy Steps

In today’s world, we can be almost certain that our bodies are harboring harmful toxins. We consume acid forming coffee and eat fast food, among other things, on a regular basis.

Eliminating these toxins is vitally important which is why a complete body detox is necessary.

Many of us have heard or even completed a colon cleanse and indeed this is great as the colon is where the body eliminates these toxins – the final stop, so to speak. However, our liver and kidneys also need cleansing as they are the filters of the body and often get clogged with our excess waste.

This is why we should look at the body as a whole and decide the best way to get rid of these harmful products. In fact, the more toxins are eliminated, the less these toxins can build up and accumulate in your body and the less clogged important organs become. This should be at the top of your ‘to do’ list. With a few additions to your daily food intake and a bit of an abstinence from others, a complete body detox is simple and surprisingly inexpensive.

The following are ways to make sure your body has every help to detox:

• Eat fresh fruit daily (organic is best)

In the morning is best but fruit anytime during the day is great. If you feel hungry between meals have some fruit. It’s not good to eat fresh fruit directly after a meal, but beforehand is fine. You can also enjoy fresh fruit juice (no additives or sugar) or make a smoothie. Fruit flushes out those pesky toxins like nothing else!

• Incorporate flaxseed or psyllium husks into your routine every day

Soak either one in water before you go to bed. In the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, drink it down. You can add a bit of natural (no fruit, sugar or additives) yoghurt so it tastes better. This ensures healthy bowel movements and you should be having those twice a day!

• Drink lots of good quality water every day

Water also flushes out toxins from your body and it’s particularly important if you are taking flaxseed or psyllium husks.

• Daily fresh vegetables

Eat them raw, steamed or sautéed but eat them! You can juice them too.

• Eat a fresh salad every day

Here again this ensures you get a quotient of raw ‘veggies’. Don’t soak it all in dressing or add croutons. Make a simple dressing with a good vinegar or lemon juice and good quality oil, add salt and pepper, maybe a teaspoon of a good mustard and that’s all you need on your daily salad.

• Go easy on milk and dairy products

They tend to be mucus forming in your body. Fermented is OK (like yoghurt) but make sure they are all natural with no additives.

• Substitute coffee with herbal tea

This is also a great way to help your detox process. If you can’t find a herbal tea to your liking – though there are hundreds out there, try rooibos as this has a similar taste to black tea. Otherwise try green tea.

Using these seven simple steps is a great way to start a complete body detox. It’s not difficult and is surprisingly inexpensive. Even if you do this for a week or two, you will notice the difference.


How Long Does it Take to Get a Six Pack?

Before we drill down to answering the question of, how long does it take to get a six pack? We first need to ask ourselves a few questions. The first question is, why do we want a six pack?

So you need to right now take the time to answer this question. Why do you want a six pack? The answer needs to go deep, deeper than, I want to wear a bikini, or I want to get the girl’s attention. It needs to dive down, so once you have your initial answer and then ask why. Why do you want to wear a bikini? Why do you want the girls looking at you? Why do you want to fit into a wedding dress? Got your answer? Do it again, ask why, and keep asking why until you have the real true and honest answer to your question. Then and only then can we tackle the question of how long does it take to get a six pack?

So now that you know why you want a six pack. We can do go on to, how long does it take to get a six pack? The answer to this question is going to be different for everyone. I can not say a week, a month, 6 months or a year. Because everyone’s body is different, everyone’s determination is different and everyone’s answer to why they want a six pack is different. What I can tell you is some helpful tips to get you there as fast as you are willing to go. But be humble and really consider your current health condition and physical condition, you do not want to be over doing it, and injure yourself while trying to get that “beach body”.

First of all, before you start exercising, you need a good solid diet. A good diet for getting better abs, is one that cuts the fat, and focuses on protein, and lean meats, and carbohydrates. You want to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, and include in your meals a meal replacement shake that is also high in protein.

It is easy to get into a robotic state of nutrition where we eat the exact same foods every day, ingesting the same breakfast, lunch and dinner and the only time we eat differently is when we go out for dinner or someone else cooks for us. It is easier to choose convenience over variety.

Just like our training that we rotate around to prevent boredom, you should rotate your food selection. Normally, you will eat whatever is in your house, so the best strategy to eating a healthy variety is to shop for different foods each week. This will help balance out your diet and help you measure the response a variety of foods. Don’t go for the boring and easy route.

Now as far as exercising and getting your answer to, how long does it take to get a six pack? Good exercise to definitely direct a little more force into the lower area would be the progression of lying leg raises, lying leg raises on a incline and eventually hanging leg raises fully vertical. Lying leg raises on a stability pull is also an extremely challenging and advanced exercise to create razor sharp abdominals.

Finally, the last thing to consider is when you are going to perform your ab workout is training frequency. Again, generally speaking, the more the better assuming your abdominals have recovered. Whether you want to perform it at the end of your workout, before your workout, during your workout or on a day of it's own is up to you. A lot of people say to do the ab workout towards the end of your overall workout. I don't agree with this and if you're abs are your weakest link then they should be given first priority when you are the most fresh, the start of your workout. I hope I have been able to help answer, how long does it take to get a six pack.


4 Healthy Tips On How To Have A High Quality Life...

The quality and the length of your life is vastly influenced by how you live. If you stuff your face with junk food at every meal, you will probably live a shortened, lower quality life.

Lots of doctor visits, medications and problems. Conversely, if you live like a health nut, you will probably live a high quality life with lots of energy and optimism.

For people who are obese, living a high quality life seems unattainable. So much work is involved that most people just can not find the courage to re-invent they give up. What they may not realize is that there is a safe middle ground where they can be healthy without spending all day exercising and eating fruits and vegetables.

It is not about how many crunches you can do, or how fast you can run a mile. It is not about eating rice cakes instead of chocolate bars and it is not about starving yourself to the point where you almost pass out from trying to function on an empty tank of gas. It is about making small changes that make the most difference in your lifestyle.

Healthy Tips #1: Diet And Nutrition

Having had chronic asthma my entire life, I could not exercise. Most people take for granted the one thing I would have loved to physically be able to do. Once I began providing my body with proper nutrition, however, miracles began to happen. Not only did I lose 70 pounds (and have kept if off for over 15 years now), but I am now medication free, I can exercise and have a high quality life.

The key here though is that I lost weight and got healthy without exercise. I still eat, but I modified my diet to include a soy-based meal replacement shake once or even twice a day. I know what you are thinking. How can I enjoy a bland shake instead of yummy meal? Because the shake is delicious and it makes me feel good afterwards...not only physically but mentally.

Healthy Tips #2: Exercise

You do not have to be one of these power lifters who spend 10 hours a day at the gym to achieve healthy weight loss. You do not even need to work out for an hour. Simply move more. Park at the back of the parking lot instead of driving around waiting to get a space up close to the door. Exercise is not necessary but if a little bit is added to your day, it can accellerate your weight loss efforts and allow you to live a healthier life.

Remember sit-ups and push-ups? Haven't heard those scary words in a long time I bet. Words cannot describe how much better I look and feel since I began doing these two exercise before going to sleep and when I wake up in the morning. I'm not talking about 100 each here. 20 each. That is it. It does not even take 5 minutes. Now I can not even think of resting until I do them. Why? Because I made a small lifestyle change for the better.

Healthy Tips #3: Smoking And Drinking

Make a decision now to eliminate one of these (or both if you are smart) and you will be well on your way to not only losing weight but promoting a high qualify life. Everyone knows it is not OK to smoke. You were not born with a need to pollute your lungs with tar or dehydrate your brain until it is shriveled up like a styrophoam peanut. People do it to fit in while other people and all it does is bring you down to their level. You are better than that.

Healthy Tips #4: Stress

When you reduce the amount of stress in your life, you will be amazed at how easy it is to lose weight in a healthy way. Write down eveything that you think is giving you stress on a daily basis. No, you should not go out and quit your job..but you can always look for a different job that is less stressful. Do not let other people think they can tie you down and control you. This is America and you are free to live without stress and have a high quality life.

The more people are stressed out, the more they seek out comfort foods that are no good for them. Want to feel better? Have your favorite cookie! Then regret it afterwards and feel even worse that you did before! Had a bad day at work? You deserve a fatty meal at the Cheesecake Factory! Then you can walk into work the next day weighing even more and feeling worse about yourself. See how this is a vicious cycle that can be broken by simply avoiding stressful situations?

The conservative American Medical Association has stated that 60% of deaths before age 65 are preventable, usually by simple life style changes. I have listed four of the most important ones above. Start making small changes in each of these areas and you will begin to become the person you always wanted to be. It does not have to be a mountain you must climb to achieve your dreams but rather a few small hills to walk over for a high quality life.


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